Why I'm Taking A Year Off

Friday, November 21, 2014

Life is funny. We change our mind. We believe we want one thing but truly want another. All throughout High School, I had planned on going to a university right away. I worked hard to try and achieve it, but my efforts still weren't enough to get me a scholarship that allowed me to be financially comfortable. So I didn't go.

So here I am, dropping my classes for this winter. I had planned on going, and totally excited about going. But then reality set in and my bill was sent to my house. $2,190 for three classes. Now granted, that's not a lot of money to go to school, but for my family it's a lot to drop. For goodness sakes, my parents are trying to buy a house. How on earth could I ask them for help? I wouldn't. I couldn't. I work part time at a daycare center and it would take me months to come up with that money.

I don't know what I want to do with my life. I have absolutely no clue. So why go to school when I don't know? Or maybe it's just an excuse to not go to school. I don't know. But it's just not something that I feel is necessary right now. I like enjoying my life without worrying about paying for my college or juggling both full time school and part time work. I like being able to go to late night movies without having to take my homework with me. I like being able to go shopping whenever I want without worrying about how I'm going to make my next school payment. I can't do that. Not right now. I don't want to.

So I'm taking a year off. To just enjoy life. Period.


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