The weather this week has been weird to say the least, first it was snowy and then rainy. Now its slush and I can see the grass once again. Which I don't mind at all since I hate snow. My life currently consists of blogging, working with my best friends - two year olds, and complaining about the weather.
I seriously love doing these posts. I love putting myself out there and just doing. I've always been so scared of that and now that I'm doing all of this I love it and enjoy it so much. Thank you to everyone who has believed in me and supported me so much. I love you people and I love what I do. You guys are rad.
Top: Walmart
Skirt: DEB Shops
Duster: DEB Shops
Shoes: Payless
Watch: Platos Closet
Headband & Bracelet: Delia's
Tights: Walmart
Earrings: Kohls
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