Our car ended up taking us to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Now, if you haven't heard of this place was named the "Most Beautiful Place On Earth" on Good Morning America. This was our first time there and it was an absolutely beautiful place and unlike anything I've ever seen before. The dunes went on for miles and up at the top all you could see was water. The whole scene took my breath away. I was astounded by the beauty of the entire place.
The way that we explored Sleeping Bear Dunes was through the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive. It was such an amazing way to see the dunes. And you learn so much about this marvelous place through it. If you're up near Traverse City I recommend visiting this place because it's absolutely breathtaking.
At each place that you stopped at they had these little numbers that helped you know which one you were at and what you were seeing.
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